Partner Resources

Ladies walking with shopping bags on Brant St. downtown

Tourism Burlington works with local partners who understand the economic importance of travel to the Burlington area to increase visitation to our community. Here are some resources for our partners.

Ladies walking with shopping bags on Brant St. downtown

Conventions, meetings, and festivals as well as sports and community events all contribute to social and economic benefits in Burlington. We encourage organizations or businesses that support visitors in Burlington and the surrounding area to work with us as a tourism partner and take advantage of the services we offer FREE OF CHARGE:

  • Marketing opportunities in various media including our visitor guide, tear map, cooperative advertising, website, Partner and Visitor Newsletter, and extensive social media.
  • Networking opportunities through partner meetings and training
  • Training opportunities for front-line tourism ambassadors, customer service training, and Ministry of Tourism programs.
  • Industry advocacy to raise awareness of common issues, such as passport requirements and funding support for tourist activities.
  • Ongoing updates and communication through our monthly partner
  • Industry resources– reports and research.
  • Programs – Tourism Ambassador Awards

Marketing Opportunities

Working with our Marketing Committee, and Board of Directors we have developed a variety of programs and marketing opportunities for the upcoming year. For further information or for a copy of the Marketing Plan please email us.

  • Visitor Guide Advertising – full-colour guides are distributed across Ontario to over 100 visitor centres and locally to attractions, events and accommodations. Opportunities include advertisements and guide listings. Deadline: TBD contact us for additional information.
  • Tear Map Advertising – double-sided full-colour tear maps feature city, downtown and area maps and are distributed to accommodations, attractions, gas stations, and events (conferences and tournaments in welcome bags) in the Burlington and surrounding area. Limited space is available. Deadline: TBD for booking contact us for additional information. LIMITED SPACES ARE AVAILABLE!
  • Digital Advertising
  • Website Advertising
  • E-Newsletter Advertising

NOTE:  Tourism Burlington reserves the right to decline a request to include a listing, coupon, or advertisement at its absolute discretion.

Check out our 2023 Advertising Opportunities all advertising packages.

Visitor guides 2019 with pier in background

Marketing Committee

The marketing committee meets every other month and members of the marketing committee represent the various tourism industry sectors such as sports, arts, attractions, meetings & conventions, group travel etc. If you are interested in becoming involved in this committee contact us at 905.634.5594.

Marketing Committee Responsibilities:

  • Reviews and approves annual marketing plan & budget
  • Provides input on all marketing and communications initiatives
  • Reviews and provides input on partnership opportunities
  • Provides support to tourism marketing events and initiatives
  • Acts as a tourism ambassador for Burlington at local and industry training and events
  • Assists with the recruitment of partners & sponsors
Marketing Committee partners promotion of National Tourism week

Tourism Events & Training

Annual General Meeting – The AGM is an opportunity for partners to review the annual report of the previous year including a brief presentation on the audited financial report.  The Board of Directors and committees are introduced and a keynote speaker or speaker panel is the highlight of the event. This is a great opportunity for partners to learn about new marketing initiatives and network with other tourism businesses.  Registration is FREE!  Contact us if you are interested in attending.

The date and location for the 2023 Annual General Meeting will be announced soon. For past AGM reports and other resources, click here.

Provincial and National Tourism Week – Working with our partners, we build awareness of the importance of tourism in our area. We also encourage residents to Be a Tourist in Your own Town by visiting local attractions, events, etc.

Partners Meetings – Held periodically these meetings provide an opportunity for partners to learn about industry updates, marketing initiatives, events, and network with fellow partners in the tourism business.

Tour group arriving at St. Lukes church

Re-imagining the Industry Ambassador Training Program

Tourism Burlington strives to deliver high-quality tourism. This supports you, our partners, the business community, and our residents. We provide a number of resources to our partners and training is at the core. The pandemic has changed many aspects of your workforce and we understand the challenges of attending a full-day training session.   In consultation with our partners, we are reviewing needs and assessing educational webinars, communication tools, and ways to engage with seasonal staff annually. Please feel free to email us for more information.

To view our presentations from the virtual program held in 2020, please click any of the links below.

Partners are key to supporting and driving visitors in Burlington. We’re currently re-evaluating how best to engage with partners. Watch for this link to be reactivated shortly.

Tourism Burlington Partners

Tourism Burlington Partners

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